Do you end the day or week feeling like you didn’t accomplish your most important tasks? Or maybe your head is spinning from all of your projects and to-do lists. Task management, or personal workflow, is foundational for being more productive. Take control of your to-do lists and reduce overwhelm by designing a flow that structures your weekly work so you meet your short and long-term goals. Commit to yourself and end the week feeling accomplished. 

What to expect:

A series of sessions scheduled over 3 months focused on methods that help you form and prioritize goals, set up your ‘flow to meet those goals, and provide accountability to keep the habit up. Sessions can be held one-on-one or as a group (up to four people). Office hours are included for group session packages. 


6 individual sessions* for $400 (45 minutes per session)

6 group sessions* for $800 (1 to 1.5 hour sessions, depending on size of group) and weekly office hours

*Additional sessions can be scheduled as needed.


“Kim is an excellent listener. She helped me find task oriented solutions to meet my goals and move my practice forward. I highly recommend her!!”

— Gina Ditta-Donahue, Elevate Functional Medicine


Are you part of a team?

A team workflow can support your personal workflow and make working more fun.