I have served as an employee, board member, and volunteer in the nonprofit sector for nearly 10 years. Over those years, I felt alternately energized by the work and depleted by wearing so many “hats.”

Now, I use my superpowers of active listening, organization, and analytical thinking to help nonprofits and small businesses systematize their complex work in a way that is fun and efficient.

Nonprofits and small businesses are important. You can’t afford employees burning out from working in inefficient systems. It’s my goal to make sure that doesn’t happen so we can all continue to work towards positive cultural and environmental change. 

That’s because I believe how you do your work is just as important as what you do and why you do it. Once those three things are aligned, you work more efficiently, become more effective, and make more time for other important things in your professional and personal life.

Here are three things to know about my experience:

  • As an undergrad, I studied business management then spent five years working in a large corporate office where I got experience working with a variety of business processes

  • I earned a masters degree in Environmental Studies, where I learned systems-based approaches to complex problems and then I put those lessons to work in the nonprofit industry

  • My parents tell me that when I was younger I used to love making up rules for games. That means play and structure are both in my genes! (And I’ve since grown out of making up rules as I go)

I am uniquely positioned to help you get organized, be more effective, and have fun while doing it.

Learn more about my professional experience on my LinkedIn site.