Do your team meetings feel unproductive? Perhaps your staff or board members seem disengaged. A refreshed team workflow will set shared expectations and goals, define roles, designate a meeting process that fits your team dynamic, and help team members be accountable to each other. The result is greater team or board engagement, buy-in, and morale.  

What to expect:

  • Team assessment to gather what is working well, what can be improved, and individual and group goals

  • Facilitated design session(s) to co-create your team flow structure, followed by a series of 6 sessions to work the flow, reflect and adjust together

  • Opportunities for office hours for one-on-one support 


Packages starting at $900. Total cost depends on scope of team and project.


“With Kim's leadership and guidance, the Double SNAP Dollars Steering Committee ran in an organized fashion from the start. Early on, Kim led special meetings to ensure we set clear meeting expectations, network goals, and timelines to meet those goals. In this process, Kim frequently called each Committee member individually to hear our thoughts and concerns. The Steering Committee Network is strong as ever today because of the solid foundation. On a personal note, my experience on the Steering Committee has been invaluable to my professional development.”

— Lauren Tobias, MS, Health & Wellness Director, Fort Peck Community College


Working on a collaborative project?

Project Facilitation is just as important as team workflow when it comes to making an impact.